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Becoming Your Own Health Advocate
Change Your Health in 30 Days

Because each client, audience and event is unique, Taiha prefers to customize her presentations making them more relevant to her client's goals and audience demographic. The topics below are general themes to be used as a starting point. If you don't see the health & wellness topic you're looking for, please contact Taiha Wagner for a more customized presentation.

It may have taken you years to get where you are in your current state of health, but it doesn't have to take years to turn it around. Did you know that you can radically change your body chemistry in 30 days? Nutrition, stress management, sleep and movement are keys to healthy living. During this presentation we will cover each key area in depth and help you make an actionable plan before you leave.

As a healthcare consumer, it pays to learn how to navigate the provider systems in order to get your needs met and the best possible health outcomes. Consumers are also trying to ingegrate traditional western medicine with more holistic paradigms, often times leaving them unsure which provider to reach out to when in need of care.


This presentation will guide you through easy steps to becoming your own best healthcare advocate and getting what you need from the medical community. Multiple paradigms of care will be discussed.

Fully Alive at Work

Presentation Topics

5 Things You Should Know About Diet and Supplements
Emotional Eating

For Healthcare Providers

Do you clock in and clock out every day at work feeling emotionally disconnected from the purpose of your job? Do you feel that work drains you of all your energy and creativity, leaving you with little left for your family and friends? Are you lacking balance and routinely missing out on adventurous travel?


This presentation will introduce you to a better way of life where work is fulfilling, purposeful and socially engaging. Let your level of well-being soar!

I fell in love with HoHo’s at a very early age and soon I added another lover, pizza. What I didn’t realize was that I was drawn to those foods for a reason, a reason I couldn’t possibly understand. If you eat when you’re stressed, sad or lonely, you need to hear this.  If you are addicted to sweets and fats, you need to come learn more about who may be in control of those cravings. In this course you’ll learn about why you eat from a place of emotion and what you can do to set yourself free.

Healthcare consumers are consistently looking for advice on diet and supplementation from their doctors, yet most formal training did not include these areas of study.  When your patients ask you about specific supplements, how do you answer? When advising your patients to lose excess fat, what guidance are you providing?


This presentation will provide you with five things you as a health care provider should know about diet and supplementation in order to help your patients achieve health harmony.

Coming winter of 2014

Corporate Wellness

Topics that Inspire

Unbreakable: A Journey to Resiliency
Healthy Lives for
Busy People
Fully Alive
Change is
Women's Work
Parenting Depressed Teens

Busy work and family schedules, high levels of daily stress, lack of motivation and energy and being “plugged-in” 24/7 all become obstacles to living our lives in abundant health and being the people we dreamt we’d be at this stage in our lives. So what’s your next step? Taking action for long term sustainable change is where people get hung up and that’s when you call in an expert. In this workshop some of the topics we'll discuss are; How to achieve clarity on your real health goals, how to assess your levels of personal and professional resiliency and how to make the right choices at and and at the office to ensure success.

How can one woman stand strong, looking repeated crisis in the eye while others seem to crumble around her? How does she stay positive while surrounded by tragedy and uncertainty? RESILIENCY, that's how!


In this presentation Taiha Wagner will share her personal journey to becoming tremendously resilient. You'll be inspired, amazed and delighted by her personal journey to, Unbreakable.

This presentation is an incredible panel discussion with women who have taken their personal crisis and turned them into opportunities that have transformed communities. You will catch a glimmer of how women create change for their families, their communities and for the world by learning from unique experiences that brought them clarity of their life's mission.


(Panels and stories may change pending panelist availability.)

Co-Presenters: Taiha Wagner and Andrew Constans


This mother/son team will share their story of teen depression from both the parent and the teen perspective. This courageous pair will bust every stereotype you thought you had around depressed teens and their families. Community resources will also be made available for those in crisis.

Coming winter of 2014

Coping with Stress:
A Personalized Solution
Wellness Break
at Work

Everyone responds to stress in a unique way, so why shouldn't the way in which we cope with it be unique too? This presentation will provide each audience member with a personal stress assessment that will not only determine current level of stress but also look at adrenal fatigue and the way in which your body uniquely responds to stress. Once that is determined, we'll co-create personal stress management plans.

Need a wellness experience for your employees? We can provide multiple modalities and experiences for your employees on your own business campus. Educational seminars, massage therapists, accupuncture, chef presentations, yoga, blood pressure and blood sugar checks, body composition analysis and so much more. We have a trusted list of reliable partners who can "Wow" your employees and show your committment to your company's health.

Healing the Healer:
Managing Chemistry in the Healing Arts

Being a professional in the healing arts comes with its own occupational hazards that the body is always trying to compensate for. Whether your a Healing Touch practitioner, massage therapist, Feng Shui Consultant or an intuitive healer, you'll need to know about energetic boundaries and how your occupation impacts your body and unique chemical response.


In this presentation you will learn the most common medical conditions that occur in healers, unique occupational hazards, the chemistry of the healer and much, much more.

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